The Intensive School for Advance Graduate Studies (ISAGS) is an initiative, launched in 2020, whose mission is the organization of advanced and interdisciplinary courses selected by the Higher Education Board among those proposed by the Pavia Phd Schools.The scope of ISAGS is to broaden the horizons, spark the intellectual curiosity and strengthen the skills of Phd students.
Participants from across the globe are invited to attend summer courses run in an inspiring international environment that fosters the exchange of ideas and the growth of scientific networks among young scholars.
In 2020 ISAG opens its activity with two summer courses:
“Data Science: Machine Learning and its Application in Cancer Genomics
“Smart Grid for Energy Management”
They will be held online via videoconference in an interactive setting.
From 2021 and onwards ISAGS will offer a choice of summer courses to be held either at the University of Pavia or online depending on safety restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic.